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Ortoptisters webside i Norge
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for medisinsk utdanning
i ortoptikk!
Are you an internationally trained Orhoptist? We need your expertise in Norway! Please check out our page about working with us.
Siste nyheter:
Ordet ortoptist kommer fra Gresk og er satt sammen av “Ortho” (rett) og “Opsis” (å se), dvs “rett syn”.
En ortoptist undersøker, diagnostiserer og behandler skjeling, dobbeltsyn og samsynsproblemer. Vi behandler pasienter i alle aldersgrupper; fra nyfødte til eldre. Behandling av barn kan kreve tett oppfølging over en lang periode.
Ortoptisten er autorisert helsepersonell og er utdannet på høyskole- eller universitetsnivå. Ortoptisten samarbeider tverrfaglig med annet helsepersonell som øyeleger, optikere, synspedagoger, helsesøstre, nevrologer, barneleger og PPT.
Orthoptics literally means straight eyes. The word comes from 2 Greek words: ortho, meaning straight; and optikos pertaining to the eyes (sight)
Orthoptists examine, diagnose, and treat patients with defective binocular vision and abnormal eye movements. They treat conditions such as squints, double vision and ‘lazy eye’ and undertake clinical measurements for the planning of treatment requiring surgery. Follow-up clinical observation may continue over several years.
Orthoptists are university-trained allied health care practitioners. They are part of the medical eyecare team and although working closely with eye doctors cooperate also with other professionals such as neurologists, pediatricians, opticians, psychologists, SEN teachers (special educational needs) and health visitors.